Colored contacts are supposed to effortlessly meld into your eyes without leaving any sensation behind. Unfortunately it might not be the case if you have certain medical conditions that make wearing colored contacts a painful experience. At the same time, let no one tell you that you do not make a right candidate of colored lenses. Regardless of what your medical history has been, with advancement in technology there are several different types of colored contacts available made to fit patients suffering from special needs. Colored contacts may feel gritty for one of the following reasons. Read out below.

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Dry Eyes

Dry eyes is a condition where your tear chemistry is either substandard or your tear glands do not produce enough tears to keep your eyes moist. Contact lenses may exacerbate the symptoms if the issue is not addressed. Use artificial tears and eye drops meant to lubricate your eyes. Remember there is a difference between artificial tears and lubricating eye drops. Talk to your eye doctor before you make choice between the two.


Allergies may affect your tolerance towards colored contacts. Seasonal and perineal allergens latch to the surface of colored contacts and create a sensation of grittiness. Allergens like pollen, dust, pet dander, smoke etc. make your colored contacts uncomfortable and leave your eyes burning. You may also feel itching, watery eyes or scrubbing sensation on your corneal tissues. It is recommended to use daily disposable contact lenses with allergies as they are discarded daily, completely eliminating the risk of buildup.


Blepharitis is described as the inflammation of the eyelids. When the tiny oil glands near the base of the eyelashes become clogged with oil they cause irritation and redness along with foul smelling discharge. It is advised to pause wearing colored contacts whenever your eyes discharge a fluid as it will contaminate your contacts for future use.

Something is Trapped under your Colored contacts

Colored contacts irritate your eyes when something is trapped under the surface. It could be an eye lash or residues from your makeup. The best thing to do is to take your colored contacts out and give them a rinse using multipurpose solution. It is also advisable to rinse your eyes thoroughly with cold splashes of water before you reinsert colored contacts.

Consider changing your Rinsing Solution

You might not know, but it could be your contact lens solution responsible for scratchiness. Some people are allergic to the preservatives found in contact lens solution. Experts recommend rinsing with hydrogen per oxide but following precautions as it is very dangerous for the eyes. Talk to your eye doctor before taking the plunge.

Over wearing Colored contacts

It is not recommended to wear soft colored contacts for more than 6-8 hours unless they are extended wear and prescribed by your eye care practitioner. Since eyes draw their oxygen from environment, wearing colored contacts limit oxygen permeation. Over wearing colored contacts may leave your eyes dry hence gritty or scratchiness may be experienced.

Corneal Abrasions

Corneal abrasion is an injury to corneal tissue. It could vary from minor to severe but in all cases it makes it impossible to tolerate contact lenses. A viral infection, a bacteria or a dust particle could leave your cornea scratched hence wearing contacts over the injury may further lead to excruciating pain. However, contrary to this, sometimes wearing colored contacts over a corneal injury have a healing effect as that of a bandage. Luckily, most of the corneal abrasions heal on their own as human eyes are one of the most resilient organ of the body. If the problem persists you might want to get your eyes checked.

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Rule of Thumb

The thumb rule about colored contacts should be “When in doubt, take out”. Colored contacts are meant to improve visual acuity and bring a pleasant change in your personality without causing discomfort. There are a variety of colored contacts available that you may replace weekly, biweekly or monthly basis depending on your lifestyle and personal preference. Undoubtedly colored contacts are better than glasses in many aspects and you would want to consider the option at least once and forever in life.

Use Daily Disposable Contact Lenses For Better Hygiene

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