Although vision insurance plans greatlyvary, almost all plans provide some coverage on elective contact lenses. It isimportant to understand that elective colored contacts do not include contactssolely for the cosmetic purpose. In order to be able to avail the benefits fromyour insurance plan you have to have a legit and valid prescription from youroptometrist that confirms you need colored contacts/contact lenses of any type inorder to correct your vision.
However, elective colored contacts/contact lenses are not the standard choice of treating refraction error. Eye doctors around the world consider “eye glasses” a standard treatment for vision correction unanimously, although you can still request your doctor to prescribe you colored contacts of your choice.
Is Vision Insurance Plan Worth it?
Every vision insurance plan offers to coverthe cost of preventive eye care (eye exams) & prescription elective eyewear (eye glasses and colored contacts). Some insurance plans also cover thecost of elective correction surgery such as LASIK. Unlike major healthinsurance, vision insurance plan does not provide unlimited benefits after acertain amount of copays and deductibles are met. Rather, they work more like agift card. Most vision insurance plans are wellness benefit program or arediscount plans that offer specific benefits and discounts for an annualpremium.
When buying vision insurance plan, considerthe cost you would spend otherwise. If you plan to buy a pair of readingglasses and keep it for a few years then spending every month on an insuranceplan is not justifiable. On the other hand, if you wear contact lenses& you need to replace your colored contacts frequently then you mayconsider buying a vision insurance plan that at least covers the cost of an eyeexam and contact lenses/glasses. Most of the insurance plans covers up to a setamount on corrective eye wear while you pay the difference required.
Can I Buy Colored Contacts Online on my Insurance Plan?
Yes, you can buy elective colored contactsonline for vision correction. However, you will have to pay upfront and claimthe reimbursement from your insurance provider. Make sure you get in touch inperson with your insurance provider to better discuss the benefits before youactually buy colored contacts online.
Usually vision insurance does not providecoverage on severe medical conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts, maculardegeneration etc. Your major health plan should cover those issues.
Please keep in mind that elective prescription colored contacts are nota medical necessity. Medical necessary contact lenses are required inconditions where a specified level of visual acuity and performance is notachieved through regular glasses. This results in the need of “medicalnecessary contact lenses”. While not all insurance plan covers medicalnecessary contact lenses cost, you may talk to your insurance provider for thegreater benefits on your vision coverage plan.
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