Since the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic, video conferencing has replacedphysical meeting by leaps and bounds due to safety and health policies, restrictingmovement or ordering individuals to stay at home. Your weekly wine session withgirlfriends, friend’s birthday celebration, cousin’s wedding ceremony, festive eventscelebration and work matters have also eased into the “new normal” in the formof virtual affairs through social media platforms and video conferencingsoftware. Facebook, Instagram, Zoom, Google Meet, Skype are amongst the morepopular ones used for these occasions.
Shifting physical gatherings to virtual meetups present severalbenefits. The most immediate perk will be the reduction in cost and travelingtime. Picture this. You only need to get from your bed to your desk for amorning meeting with your team; from your kitchen to your coffee table for aquick lunch chit-chat with your buddies; or launch your video communicationsapps on the big screen in your living room for an instant virtual party!Additionally, you definitely get to enjoy greater flexibility as you can meetup virtually anywhere, anytime, in a safe environment, in your pyjamas even.All you need is a screen with Internet access to connect, right?
Honestly, you’re only partially right! You can undoubtedly connectto people at a click of a button, however, to look good on screen requires morethan just plugging into the Internet and smile to the camera. What if it’s aninterview session for a job, or a formal event? How do you ace the interviewwith a good first impression, or steal the show and leave a lasting impact at aparty, virtually? Here are 5 tips to get you ready for the virtual spotlight.
Tip 1: Make your environment your friend not foe
We know that Halloween is just less than three months to go and thatyou want to start rehearsing your darkknight or thenun character, but we are not ready to see a floating head in your livevideo just yet. Doing your live video in the dark, will not only make yourvideo look shabby but you will look like a creepy dark shadow, and you definitelydon’t want that.
It is simple to solve this lighting problem. If you are doing thevideo in the day, simply sit in front of a window. However, do pay attention onhow the light falls on your face so that your face doesn’t look washed out.This can easily be adjusted by using your camera phone to check on how you lookfrom different angles and spaces before deciding on the most ideal location todo your video. If you are doing the video at night, make sure your room hasenough lighting. You may consider getting a ring light for its ability todistribute light evenly on your face. Another thing to take note is avoidhaving reflective objects around you to reduce glare.
Tip 2: A clean background
Although we keep lobbying on the notion that we can go live on videoanytime, anywhere. In reality, those good quality live videos you have watchedon Facebook or Instagram didn’t just happen spontaneously. As many of us aredoing live video from the comfort of our own homes, before you switch on thatcamera and audio, take at least 5 to 10 minutes to make sure your background isclear of unwanted objects, cue dirty laundry, toys on the floor, unwasheddishes and messy desk. Shove them behind your laptop if you may, just don’t letthem come into sight on camera. You don’t want people to see you as adisorganized or sloppy person.
If you have absolutely no time to clean up the background, considerapplying a virtual background. There are many virtual backgrounds apps you canuse to apply background images so as to make your virtual meetings and eventsmore fun or suitable for your agenda. With the right apps and tools, you canalso create your very own, customize virtual background images.
Tip 3: Angle your camera
Selfie enthusiast would follow this rule like a cult. Same goes tovideo conferencing. Avoid placing your camera at low angles as it will give youa double chin effect. Moreover, nobody wants to see up your nostrils at closerange *cringe*. Unless this is your Hairy, opps, we do mean HarryPotter moment, then Expecto patronum!
Keep your camera the same level as your eye or slightly higher. Justsimply stack up some books underneath your laptop, or use a stand for yourphone to level the ideal angle for your face. Check yourself on your phonecamera before going live.
Tip 4: Good self-care
On camera, your lazy habits look ten time worse. We understand thatstaying at home can make one feel very relaxed, but that doesn’t mean you go onwhole day without washing your face or combing your hair, and by some sort ofsorcery, you decided to appear on camera in your most “homely” form. Again,Halloween is not here yet, calm down!
Wash your face before appearing in front of live camera because thecomputer screen tends to highlight the oily shine on your face. If washing faceis not an option, consider blotting your face before you start your videoconferencing. Take time to take good care of your skin with good skincareproducts so you don’t have to depend heavily on makeup to cover up yourblemishes. Another area to pay attention to is your teeth. If you have justfinished a meal, brush your teeth or make sure nothing is stuck between yourteeth before you go on live to avoid appearing like a person with bad hygienein front of your co-workers, clients, and virtual guests.
Tip 5: Accentuate your best facial features
Many didn’t know but this is one very useful tip. You don’t have toput on a full-face makeup to appear in front of the camera for a videoconference because unlike a studio photography session, a video conferencecamera will actually augment your thick makeup and make you look too overlydone. A light makeup is good enough by accentuating your best facial features.Tinted moisturiser is a great go-to option to even out your skin tone, while asubtle blusher will give you that healthy glow. Also don’t forget that lip tintor lip balm to avoid chapped and pale looking lips.
Another great idea to steal the show is wearing colored contactlens. This small change can bring a big difference to your video,especially when you are hosting a virtual party or doing a productdemonstration that needed audience’s attention. Video conference is verydifferent from physical meetings as people can switch out anytime during thesession. Therefore, something eye catching, literally, will keep your viewersengaged.